Homerouter Cpe

Are you struggling to set up your HUAWEI B593 4G LTE Router? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this quick guide, we’ll walk you through the installation process step by step. Get ready to go online with your 4G router in no time!

Getting Started

First things first, let’s get your SIM card inserted and the power plugged in. Insert the SIM card on the right side of the router, as shown in the LTE CPE B593. The power plug goes in at the back. Simple enough, right?

Connecting to Your Computer

Now, it’s time to connect your router to your computer via a wireless network (WiFi). Flip the router around, and you’ll find the router’s name (SSID) and network code (WPA/WPA2) on the sticker. Use these to connect to the router via WiFi. If you have any trouble connecting, try pressing the reset button on the side of the router with a ball pen for about 20 seconds and give it another shot.

Accessing the Device Website

Once connected, open your favorite internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari) and type in the router’s address: or Homerouter.cpe. This will take you to the device website where you can customize your settings.

Setting Up Your Router

When you land on the device website, you’ll notice that the default language is English, but feel free to choose your preferred language. The username and password are both ‘admin’ in lowercase. You can find this information on the sticker behind the router as well.

The router may prompt you to change the password upon login, but you can safely ignore it. Your router is already secured with the unique network code you entered earlier during the connection process.

PIN Validation

Now, select ‘Setup Wizard’ in the left menu. You’ll need to validate your PIN for the SIM card. Check the frame where you took the SIM card out; you’ll find PIN 1 in the scrape area. Enter this PIN and click ‘Validate’. Make sure to enable ‘Save my PIN’ and press ‘Next’. If you’re using an unlocked B593 Router, you can skip this step.

Internet and Network Settings

You won’t need to change anything in the ‘Internet’ section. The network mode is set to ‘Auto,’ and the connection mode is set to ‘Always On.’ By default, the router will try to use 4G as the primary connection, but you can isolate the signal to either 4G or 3G if you wish. We recommend leaving it on Auto. Press ‘Next’ to proceed.

In the next section called ‘WLAN,’ there’s no need to make any changes either. However, if you want to change the router’s name (SSID), you can do so here. But keep in mind that the default name is always listed on the back of the router, making it easy to find. Hit ‘Next’ to move forward.

WLAN Security

In the ‘WLAN Security’ section, we advise against changing anything. The network code is already unique and secure, using WPA with a pre-shared key. You should only use this code once when connecting to the router for the first time. If you choose to change it, make sure to enter a code with a minimum of 8 characters. Otherwise, leave the information as is and hit ‘Next’ to proceed.

Final Steps

Now, it’s time to submit your settings. Press the ‘Submit’ button, and your router will reboot. Once it’s back up and running, you’ll be ready to surf the internet!

Connecting Other Devices

To connect other devices to the internet, simply repeat the process outlined in step 2 for each device.

Color Codes

You might notice color coding on the front of your router. Purple means the router lacks the PIN, blue means you’re on 4G, and green means you’re on 3G.

Firmware Upgrade

If you’re interested in upgrading your firmware, follow these quick steps:

  1. Download the latest HUAWEI B593u-12 firmware upgrade file (.zip 26 Mb).
  2. Save the file to your desktop and unzip it.
  3. Open your browser and log into your router via Use ‘admin’ for both the username and password (in lowercase).
  4. Go to ‘System’ > ‘Upgrade’ and select the extracted file from the zip. Press ‘Upgrade’ and wait a few minutes for the system to automatically upgrade the firmware of the HUAWEI B593u-12.

Please note that these steps are also applicable to other models like HUAWEI B593s-22, but the firmware may vary.

And there you have it! With these simple steps, you’ll have your HUAWEI B593 4G LTE Router up and running smoothly. If you want to explore more Huawei Router CPEs, click here. Happy surfing!