My Jetpack

Have you ever encountered connection issues or errors while activating settings on your WordPress website? Well, fret not, because I have the ultimate solution for you – My Jetpack! Sometimes, the simplest solution is the one that works, and in this case, it’s as easy as “turning it off and on again.” So, let’s dive in and discover how My Jetpack can be your go-to fix for all your WordPress connection problems.

Disconnect Jetpack

Disconnecting and reconnecting Jetpack is often the best place to start when encountering connection problems or errors. Here’s how you can disconnect Jetpack:

  1. On your dashboard, navigate to Settings → General and under Manage your connection, you’ll find the option to disconnect Jetpack.
  2. Alternatively, in WP Admin, go to Jetpack → Dashboard → Connections and disconnect Jetpack from there.
  3. If you need more guidance or would like to see some helpful screenshots, check out the detailed documentation on disconnecting Jetpack.

But wait, there’s more! As a non-admin user with a contributor role or higher, you can also disconnect Jetpack from My Jetpack. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Jetpack → My Jetpack.
  2. Under Connection, click on Manage.
  3. On the modal that appears, click on Disconnect Jetpack.
  4. Follow the rest of the prompts until the disconnection is confirmed complete.

Reconnect Jetpack

If disconnecting and reconnecting doesn’t solve your connection problems, don’t worry! Reconnecting Jetpack might just do the trick. Here’s how you can reconnect Jetpack:

  1. In WP Admin, go to Jetpack → Dashboard and click on the Set up Jetpack button.
  2. Double-check that you’re connecting to the correct account, and then click on Approve.

But hang on! You can also reconnect Jetpack from My Jetpack. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Jetpack → My Jetpack.
  2. Under Connection, click on Connect.
  3. You’ll be prompted to connect your user account, so click on Connect your user account.
  4. When prompted, click on Approve to connect your site to

Reinstall Jetpack

In some cases, a simple reconnection might not be enough to solve your connection problems. But fear not, because the next step is to reinstall Jetpack! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. If Jetpack is still connected, disconnect it using the instructions mentioned above.
  2. In WP Admin, go to Plugins → Installed Plugins, scroll down to find “Jetpack,” and click on Deactivate.

Screenshot of the Jetpack plugin in the plugin sections of WP Admin. There is an option to Deactivate it.

  1. When the page refreshes, locate Jetpack again and click on Delete.
  2. To reinstall Jetpack, go to Plugins → Add New, search for “Jetpack,” and click on Install Now for “Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth.”

The Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth plugin. The Install Now button is highlighted with an arrow.

  1. After the plugin is installed, click on Activate.
  2. Finally, you can reconnect Jetpack by following the instructions mentioned earlier.

Stats and Settings Retention

Now, you might be wondering about the fate of your stats and settings when you disconnect or delete Jetpack. Well, fear not. Here’s what happens:

  • When you disconnect Jetpack, no data is lost, including your precious stats and loyal followers. Your settings will be restored when you reconnect.
  • However, please note that stats cannot be collected while Jetpack is disconnected. So, if your site stays disconnected for an extended period, you might notice a gap in your stats when you reconnect.
  • When you delete Jetpack, no data is lost, including your stats and faithful followers. However, your settings will be reset, so you’ll need to set them again after reinstalling and reconnecting.

So, my dear friends, the next time you encounter any connection problems or errors on your WordPress website, remember to turn to My Jetpack for a quick and effective solution. Disconnect, reconnect, or even reinstall – Jetpack has got your back!

Just keep in mind the simple mantra – “disconnect, reconnect, and conquer.” Happy blogging, my friends!

Disclaimer: This article does not provide support for any issues beyond the scope of My Jetpack. For additional assistance, please consult the official WordPress support channels.